Author: Jason Mrochek

Words Still Have Meaning

Can we all agree that words have meaning and that changing them to suit those in our populace who seek to avoid responsibility for their actions only helps blur the line between good and evil? Good. Next question: why do…

Recounts, Lawsuits, & Ballots! Oh My!

The post-election uproar of 2020 continues. I have begun to receive questions from friends about how we can ensure the presidential electoral vote is counted correctly. More precisely: what does the U.S. Constitution say about how the electors are declared?…

“Common Sense” Profiling

I am re-posting the following article I wrote in 2005. On January 19th, 2005, I watched a program on CNN entitled, “Defending America”. The program aired during the Anderson Cooper 360 show. In it, CNN’s Drew Griffin interviewed Michael Touhey…

Pledging Allegiance

The other day, my 9 year old son came into my office and asked me if I knew the “Pledge of Allegiance”. Of course, he was really prompting me to ask him so he could recite it to me–and how…

So you call yourself a Patriot?

It seems that everywhere you turn on the internet, someone is calling himself a “patriot.” There are patriots, patriot groups, patriotic sentiments, patriotic language, and the list goes on. But are all of these “patriots” operating from the same definition…