Recounts, Lawsuits, & Ballots! Oh My!

The post-election uproar of 2020 continues. I have begun to receive questions from friends about how we can ensure the presidential electoral vote is counted correctly. More precisely: what does the U.S. Constitution say about how the electors are declared?…

Article V: Defend not Amend

It is called by many names: Constitutional Convention, Con-Con, Convention of States, Article V Convention. But just because we can have one, doesn’t mean we should have one. In fact, the opposite is true. Fox News recently published an article…

Anchor (babies) Away!

Every so often, the question is raised whether the United States should grant citizenship to children of illegal aliens. These children are more commonly known as “Anchor Babies” because they are used as an anchor to secure their family to…

On “General Welfare”

One of the rare, positive effects that has come out of Congress recently is the introduction into the Rules of the House of Representatives the requirement to cite “as specifically as practicable the power or powers granted to Congress in…

Chopping at the Root

Sometimes it is so frustrating scrolling through all of the social media out there full of the latest unbelievable act of this politician or that branch of government. It is frustrating because recounting and underscoring the wrongness of these acts,…

A Republic…if you can keep it!

“A Republic, if you can keep it.” These were the words Dr. Benjamin Franklin replied on the final day of deliberations at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 when asked about the type of government the delegates had created. Franklin was…